Thursday, September 9, 2010

They Will Rise Up and Call Her Blessed

Strength and dignity are her clothing,
and she laughs at the time to come (25).
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all" (28/29)
Proverbs 31

I have recently been reminded, yet again, how amazing one of my dear friends is. This woman is Godly. She doesn't see herself as such much of the time, and her humble ways show her true character. Today she has again reminded me of how to walk through a circumstance with grace always following what she believes she is meant for. My dear friend has struggled with her place of work for some time. It can be a hostile environment and isn't necessarily everything she has ever wanted out of her career. Recently she was interviewed to take over a role that would be her dream job. It would be a huge career move, more money, and fulfilling. They were ready to hire her on the spot (yeah they should have she is really good:). She quickly responded that she would need to talk it over with her husband seeing as it would be a large change in the time of day she would now be working.

She brought it to her husband and he was very supportive, knowing that this was the place she would find the most joy. He responded that she could be with the kids all day, he would give up his "extra circulars" to be home at home while she was working.

Sounds perfect right? She should be asking us all for moving boxes. Nope. Not my friend. No my friend looked at the larger picture, she knew that although she would see her kids, she would be lucky to see her husband for more than 3 seconds a day. She knew that eventually this would put a large strain on her marriage and eventually this would lead to a strain on her family as a whole. After a short consideration, she decided to say no to the position. Now did she sound a bit bummed? Well YEAH, she is human. She wonders what God's plan is for her and prays that He shows her in time.

A note to my dear sweet friend whom I love: you have seen the first part of the plan, you have listened to what He has to say to you and you were obedient to His answer. Then even after He may have given an answer you weren't to fond of you accepted it joyfully, telling me that you are lucky to have your current job, you are blessed to enjoy your residents and can be happy about more than many. You told me that your family is the most important thing to you and you find more joy in them than any job. You, my dear, are striving to be the Proverbs 31 woman. They will rise up and call you blessed. I know I do.


  1. Oh how we love that women in Proverbs 31... we all shall become her!!! She was created to give us great sight!!

  2. Amen Jess! I need you blog address girl I miss reading!!!
